
When you visit this website and use some of the information herein, this means that you agree to the terms and conditions written in this disclaimer.


  • Emails (including attachments) are for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you receive a message which is not intended for you, we kindly request that you report it to the sender.

  • You are not permitted to use emails, or forward in part or whole, without prior permission.

  • Offco does not accept any responsibility for incorrect or incomplete information that emails may contain, or for emails which are not delivered on time, nor for any damage that may occur as a result of emails.


  • The information included in this website is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended to be used as advice. If you use any information without verifying it or taking further advice then you do so at your own risk.

  • Offco takes the utmost care to ensure the reliability of the information on this website. Despite this Offco does not guarantee that all the information is totally accurate, complete or up to date.

  • Offco does not guarantee that this website will be uninterrupted or error-free.

  • Offco refuses to accept any liability for direct or indirect damage associated with the use, reliability, or any action taken as a result of, any information available on this website.

  • All our special offers and promotions are covered by our general  conditions, as registered at the Chamber of Commerce under our company registration, which explicitly apply to the agreements entered into by our contract parties. Any disputes related to this website will be subject to Dutch law.

  • We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer at any moment and without advance notification. By using and accessing these pages, you shall be deemed to have accepted, and agreed to be bound by, the terms of modified Disclaimer.


  • Offco respects the privacy of users of this website and ensures that any personal information you supply us with will always be treated in the strictest confidence. We use all received information so efficiently as possible. We will never pass on your information to third parties and will only use them for the agreed purpose.

Traffic information and Data collection

  • We use traffic information to analyse the surfing habits of our visitors. We study how the website is being used, which pages are visited and which articles are ordered, so that we can improve the popularity, function and content of our website. Offco  registers your Host address, Referrer and User Agent. This information is kept for an indefinite period.


  • Offco uses cookies to enhance user experience of this website. A cookie is a small text file which is copied onto your hard disk by a website. Thanks to the cookie the website automatically recognizes you as a returning visitor.
    If you do not want us to use cookies you should:
    Turn ‘cookies off´ in your browser, or click on the ‘cookies off´ button. If you accept the use of cookies then they will stay on your computer until you delete them. Turning cookies off will result in a more limited user experience of our website.

Property Rights

  • Offco reserves all rights (including author´s and trademark rights) with regards to information presented on this website (including texts, photographs, graphic material and logos).

  • It is forbidden to use, reproduce in any form, to distribute or make public
    any of the content of this website without prior written authorisation from
    Offco members.

Direct mail from Offco if any.

  • Direct Mail is a fast and efficient way to keep our clients and prospective clients informed about new products, projects and information. If you no longer wish to receive any mail from Offco  you can easily unsubscribe on our homepage.